The Benefits of Bike Riding
A thirty minute bike ride will burn up about 8 kilojoules at a social pace, or 26 kj if you ride at 25 kph or faster. Compare that to 5kj for a slow walk or 9kj for half an hour of sit ups!

So bike riding is an effective form of exercise and can be part of a fitness or weight loss program. But there are other advantages as well.
* Unlike working out in a gym, bike riding will get you out in the fresh air and into different environments. You will be able to clear your mind and relax and enjoy yourself.
* Riding outside also exposes you to sunlight which is a natural source of vitamin D.
* Bike riding isn’t very stressful on most of your body, and it’s certainly less jarring than going for a run although a medium paced jog burns a similar amount of energy.
* Bike riding can be practical. Consider riding next time you need to visit a friend or maybe even use it as a way to get to work each day. Not only will you get some exercise, you’ll save petrol money, save the environment and may even save time.
* Make it social. It’s hard to chat whilst swimming or doing aerobics, but bike riding with a friend allows for chatting and you can have a break, stop for a picnic and relax at the end.
*Riding a bike with the rush of wind in your face can give a real sense of exhileration, release endorphins and make it so you feel better.
I really enjoy bike riding but I do find my muscles tighten up, that's why it's essential to stretch before riding and after riding also. Feels great to stretch your hips, ham strings and spine especially the lower back. If you enjoy bike riding make a point of stretching.
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