Off to a great start 2013

Yoga Meditation Retreat
10am - 4pm Saturday 23rd February 2013
What's on offer:
*Short talks - Yoga Wisdom * Learn Meditation & Pre-meditation techniques * Group singing meditation * Gauranga Breath awareness * Om Hari Om Practise * Pranayama * Hatha Yoga class * Yoga Nidra class * Scalp massage * Simple AND delicious Vegetarian Lunch, A Main, Vege Brown Rice, Salad, Hor d Oeuvres, Condiments, Dessert, Fruit, Herbal Teas, Pure water.
Short talks:
On the history of yoga and the spiritual side of yoga.
One of the meditations we will practise will be a group activity. Group meditation to music is traditionally known as kirtan. Simply put - the singing of sacred yoga mantras generally accompanied by guitar, or other instruments.

On the physical level singing is very therapeutic, it is good for our cardiovascular system, increases our lung capacity, helps reduce stress and has a powerful effect on our moods.
Combining singing with yoga mantras creates a very potent combination. By relaxing into the sound we can experience the soothing waves of spiritual energy from our meditation. This gives us the heart connection and deep peace that we're always seeking.
Hatha Yoga:

The introductory yoga class will be flowing and gentle. You will be in safe hands, just let the teacher know if you have any body issues. If you are under a doctors care get the go ahead from them to be doubly sure it is safe for you to practise yoga.
Yoga Nidra:

We will practise Pranayama or breath awareness. You will find it to be a very healthy, simple practise you can easily add to your collection of natural health aids which will benefit the overall wellbeing of yourself and your family.
These timeless practises are powerful and effective. The techniques are so straight forward and simple that you will find you can easily slot them into your daily routine.

The consistent practise of your meditation will ensure that you keep experiencing all of the health giving benefits for body mind and spirit. You will be less stressed, more focused, balanced and enlivened.
Hatha yoga asanas, yoga nidra, pranayama, etc,. are all pre-meditation techniques greatly benefiting body and mind. Singing meditation or kirtan takes care of the 'soul' or "spirit" component of our wholistic practise. A melodious voice is not necessary. It's all about the beautiful yoga mantras and our meditation upon the divine sounds.
Vegetarian Meal:
Simple AND Delicious Vegetarian Lunch - Wholesome nutritious and delicious.
To book in or for further details Txt 0468344108
Sorry there will be no refunds (so please be sure you want to attend before booking and paying). If for some reason you have to cancel, don't worry you will have 9 more opportunities during the year to come to one of our rejuvenating monthly yoga meditation retreats. (March - November.) This means that you will be able to pop along anytime at your leisure - simply pick a month that suits your schedule and confirm your booking.
All payments need to be in by Friday 15th February 2013 at the latest or sooner if you want to gaurantee your spot.
Cost for this Yoga Meditation Retreat is $40- All inclusive.
Cost for this Yoga Meditation Retreat is $40- All inclusive.
Learn something new and exciting. Breathe, stretch, relax, & eat yumi food.
