Friday, 1 September 2017

Blueberry Raw Vegan Cheesecake :) Yum ..!

💕Palm Beach Ukulele Group Lessons🎼 with Lalita Nathan Lisa Wednesdays 11.30am 🌺 @yogameditationstudiopalmbeach #palmbeachukulelegroup #ukulele #ukemeditation #ukegauranga #yoga #devotionalkirtan #kirtanmusic #mantrameditation #singing #whatsongoldcoast #spiritual #lalitaandthealohas #mantrasandmusic #moverelaxmeditate #kirtancamp #yogaanmeditation #causenosorrow #yogawisdom #qigong #vegetarian #kirtansoulartists #ukesforsale #tibetanbowlsoundhealing #igdaily #love #compassioninaction #yogameditationstudiopalmbeach #yogapalmbeachblog #whatsongoldcoast4221 #whattodogoldcoast🎤🎶🌼 Blueberry Raw Cheese Cake @kikaramelized Crust: 1 cup pitted dates, soak to soften 1 cup sun flower seeds Process in food processor Place into lined loaf pan and press down with back metal spoon Freeze about 1 hr while you prepare the fillings Fillings: 3/4 blueberries 1 1/2 cup cashew, soaked overnight 1/2 cup syrup (like maple or rice malt syrup) 1 tsp vanilla flavoring 1/2 cup coconut cream 3 tbsp coconut oil blend until smooth pour over the frozen crust freeze overnight top with melted blueberry (1/2 cup blueberries) and more whole blueberries.  EAT as is or freeze again before serving💙😘👏👏🌸
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Thursday, 10 August 2017

Timetable Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach August 2017


Monday: 6.00 - 7.00pm Community Hatha Yoga $5
Beginners - Intermediate
Teacher Tips Appreciated *Peaceful Relaxation *Meditation
Monday: 7.15 - 8.15pm Community Ukulele Lessons Beginners $5
KaraUkey - Intermediates
Meditations / Popular Tunes
Tuesday: 6.00 - 7.00pm Community Hatha Yoga $5
*General class *All levels
Teacher Tips Appreciated *Restful Relaxation *Meditation
Tuesday: 7.15 - 8.15pm Djembe Drumming RSVP
4 week Course $40 Absolute Beginners
Focus, Co-ordination, Rhythm
Wednesday: 10am-11.00am Community Hatha Qi Gong $5
*Beginners *Stretch *Relieve Stress
Teacher Tips Appreciated *Yoga *Relaxation *Meditation
Wednesday: 11.30-12.30pm Community Ukulele Lessons $5
Beginners - Intermediates
Palm Beach Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach
Coming Soon: 6.00 - 6.30pm Rest & Nourish / By Donation RSVP
Stress Management, Improved Health, Inner Peace
*On Every Thursday
Thursday: 6.30 - 8.30pm Delicious Dinner/Vegan $5
Mantras On Tahiti * Everyone Welcome
*1st Thursday of the month only Please RSVP
Thursday: 6.30 - 8.00pm Mantras On Tahiti $5
Healthy Delicious Vegan Treats
*2nd 3rd & 4th Thursdays only
Coming Soon: 6.00 - 7.00pm Be Happy * Meditate / By Donation RSVP
Stress Management, Improved Health, Inner Peace
*Starts Last Friday of every month
Saturday: 9.30 - 10.30am Community Ukulele Lessons $5 / Coolangatta
Caters for Beginners & Intermediates
Meditations to popular tunes
Saturday: 11.00 - 2.00pm NOURISH Body Mind Soul Retreat $20
*Om Circle *Yoga *Tibetan Bowls *Kirtan
*Delicious Lunch
Txt or call for details RSVP 0468344108
Thursday: 6.00 - 8.30pm TWILIGHT / NOURISH Body Mind Soul Retreat $20
*Hatha *Qigong *Sound Healing *Meditation
*Delicious Dinner
Txt or call for details RSVP 0468344108
Coming Soon: 7.15 - 8.15pm Community YOGA and SOUND THERAPY $10
*Supine Yoga *Sound Healing *Meditation
Txt or call for details RSVP 0468344108
Coming Soon: 10am-11.30pm MOVE RELAX MEDITATE $5
*Walk *Breathe *Qi Gong *Meditate
*BYO Vegan Lunch
Txt or call for details RSVP 0468344108
Information: Blog : Instagram : Facebook
Call or Txt: 0468344108

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Hatha QiGong is no longer a "THING"

Dear friends ... The last 4 years have been amazing, we have enjoyed our #HathaQiGong time with you all. It's time for a change now so this class will morph into #RestorativeYoga with #KarliYoga and be offered on Wednesday nights at 6pm ...  🧘‍♂🦋 These are community classes so the price of $5 will still apply.

Really looking forward to seeing you in class 🏵

Namaste 🏵
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Saturday, 12 November 2016


💗Mantras Om Tahiti 🌞  And Vegan Treats 🙏 Thursday nights 6.30pm 🌺 @yogameditationpalmbeach recipe@pin  #yoga #kirtan #mantrameditation #kirtansoulartists #singing #tibetanbowlsoundhealing #yogameditationstudiopalmbeach #krishna #whatsongoldcoast #spiritual #gaurangabreathing #ukesforsale #moverelaxmeditate #whatsongoldcoast4221 #palmbeachukulelegroup #ig #vegan #lalitaandthealohas #friends #love #ukulelepalmbeach #NOURISHBodyMindSoul #hathaqigong #bhaktiyoga #vegetarian #youtubeyogameditationstudiopalmbeach #yogaandmeditation #restandnourish #causenosorrow #yogapalmbeach4221  RAW TURKISH DELIGHT CHEESECAKE  INGREDIENTS Base:  8 fresh pitted dates 1 1/2 cup macadamia nuts 1/4 cup raw cacao powder* pinch of sea salt 4 tbsp coconut oil* Filling: 2 cups raw cashews, soaked for 6-8 hours & rinsed  1/2 cup coconut butter/paste* 1/3 cup coconut nectar*  1 tsp vanilla powder*  20 ml pure rose water 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 2 tbsp lucuma powder* 1/2 pink dragonfruit/pitaya or raspberries, fresh or frozen 1 tsp beetroot powder (optional) Topping: 1/2 cup raw cacao powder* 1/2 cup of coconut oil*  pinch of sea salt 1 tsp vanilla powder* (optional) desired amount of coconut nectar* or similar  METHOD • Blitz the macadamias in a food processor until crumbly • Add the dates, cacao, oil & salt • Blitz until doughy & sticky • Press the mixture into a springform tin freeze until firm • Blend all filling ingredients until smooth & creamy • Spread onto base & freeze until firm • Melt cacao butter or coconut oil in a bowl over low heat • Whisk in remaining ingredients until smooth • Once filling is set, pour over topping & chill or freeze again • Top with fresh pistachios, figs and rose petals to make it extra turkish delightful • Store in the freezer for up to 6 weeks…if it lasts that long! Serves 12 💕
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Monday, 4 April 2016

Palm Beach Ukulele Group Lessons

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Vegan Treats And Mantra Meditation

Friday, 11 March 2016

Lalita And The Alohas @Yoga Philosophy Club

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Bhagavad Gita quote - Yoga Wisdom

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Mantras Om Tahiti Vegan Dinner Party

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Alohas Christmas Message

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Mantras On Tahiti @ Yoga Palm Beach

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Nourish Body Mind Soul Retreats

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Sound Healing Therapy @ Yoga Palm Beach

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Keep Calm Hatha @ Yoga Palm Beach

Friday, 25 September 2015

Ukulele Lessons at Yoga Palm Beach

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Hatha for beginners @ Yoga Palm Beach

Saturday, 1 August 2015

NOURISH Body Mind Soul Retreats @ Yoga Palm Beach

Hi to all yogis and yoginis
Come along to a Retreat some time, it's a whole lot of fun, very uplifting, stress free ... and the food is healthy and delicious.
Check out our Time Table for details 

Namaste :)

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Meditation classes @ Yoga Palm Beach

Hi all,

Come sit in meditation with us check out our Timetable for up to date information on classes. See you soon.

Namaste :)

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Hatha Yoga for Beginners @ Yoga Palm Beach 4221

Hi All

Check out our updated Timetable for Hatha classes. Come along and improve your balance, focus, concentration, strength and health. Click this link to go through to our most recent Timetable. We look forward to seeing you in class soon.


Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Mantra Meditation classes @ Yoga Palm Beach

We invite you to attend a Mantra Meditation class, a meditation course, group Kirtan or any one of our weekly Hatha Yoga, Sound Healing, or Ukulele classes. Click through to the Time Table.


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Hatha Qi Gong and Ukulele classes at Red Cross Hall Palm Beach

Dear Yoga Asana friends

We have over the last 6 months started offering Hatha qi gong and Ukulele classes at the Red Cross Hall in Palm Beach.

Check out our timetable for dates, times and further details.

We look forward to seeing you sometime soon.

Lalita and YMSPB crew

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Yoga Palm Beach - Ukulele lessons at Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach $5

Hi All,

If you can't make it to our Ukulele Group classes on Saturday 9.30am @CoolangattaYogaCentre but you have always wanted to learn to play the ukulele n just haven't gotten round to it yet... here's your chance. Join us on Wednesday's at the Red Cross Hall 38/11th avenue Palm Beach @ 11.30am. We have just started classes there and invite you to drop by, come learn with us in a relaxed fun environment. If you don't have a ukulele yet, let us know and we will bring a spare for you to use until your get yourself sorted. These are community classes, the cost is $5-

Lalita & Lisa

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Yoga Palm Beach - Sound Healing Therapy

Hi yogis and yoginis

Just wanted to let you know that Sound Healing Therapies has found a NEW home in Palm Beach. We invite you to come experience this healing modality, bring your family and friends. It's a very relaxing, soothing experience with many health supporting benefits. Perfect for chronic stress and stress related disorders. Come visit us soon.


Thursday, 9 April 2015

Mantras On Tahiti - Vegan Demo Chia Pudding

Hi Yoga peeps

Here's one of the first healthy, nutritious and delicious Vegan demo's we did at MOT "Mantras On Tahiti" 

It makes for a yum breakfast or quick snack.

We invite you to MOT you are welcome to drop by and join us for Meditation and scrumptious Vegan delites any Thursday night.

Check our June Timetable for details.

To your health
Namaste :)

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Mantras On Tahiti, Healthy Vegan food Demos & Delicious Eats

Hi yogis and yoginis
Come mellow out, relax, meditate on beautiful sacred sound, learn how to make super quick and easy healthy vegan foods. Share yum eats and have some fun.

Om Shanti Om

Friday, 6 March 2015

Sound Healing Therapy

Hi Yoga fans

If you haven't tried Sound Healing Therapy yet, we encourage you to give it some serious consideration. Come and learn how you can benefit from Sound Healing. It's a holistic practice which benefits body, mind and soul. Look forward to catching up soon.

Peace to all

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Beach Front Meditations Sundays 4.30pm

Fun times at Beach Front Meditations. Meditation and Delicious Eats, a great combination. Healthy food demos, featuring new recipes weekly. Drop by sometime. Meditation is always free but there is a $5 cost to help cover expenses. We look forward to seeing you soon :)


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy Yoga New Year

To all of our friends we wish you a peaceful, happy, healthy new year  may you be blessed with spiritual prosperity. See you in class soon. Click here to check out our 2015 Timetable.

Om Shanti (Peace to All)